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Processing technology of modified starch production applied for producing food products for diabetes and obesity patients
Code: 001
Title of technology/equipment: Processing technology of modified starch production applied for producing food products for diabetes and obesity patients
Countries Technology offering : VN Việt Nam
Index classification SPC :
  • Food products and beverages
  • Description: At present, the number of diabetes and obesity patients are increasing rapidly both in Vietnam and in the world. These patients have to limit to eat the matter with more sugar and starch. Whereas starch is the major component of food products. Therefore the production of modified starch which not release sugar when entering the body is very important and necessary. We have studied the success of modified starch production technology that capable of not being decomposed when eating that can help

    Areas of application:
  • Food industry
  • Public housing and life services
  • Medicines and health care
  • Development status: Pilot
    Mode of transfer
    Processing technology of modified starch production Modified starch Production technology of modified starch Products for diabetes and obesity patients
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