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Unbaked brick production technology from clay by method of extrusion, evacuation
Code: 001
Title of technology/equipment: Unbaked brick production technology from clay by method of extrusion, evacuation
Countries Technology offering : VN Việt Nam
Index classification SPC :
  • Other non – metallic mineral p
  • Description: Like the technology process of manufacturing traditional brick tunnel but not have stage of firing: Raw materials – Mixing with active additives – Tempering – Shaping by extrusion and evacuation machine – Vulcanizing – Drying – Products
    Development status: Applied copyright
    Mode of transfer: Direct sale based on contract
    Price of technology: 300 million
    Price of equipment: 2,5 billion
    Time/mode of guaranty: 1 year
    Skilled workers:
    Engineers: 2 people
    Technicians: 6 people
    Land, Building: 20.000 m2

    Areas of application:
  • Construction. Architecture
  • Development status: Pilot
    Advantage : - Low initial investment costs
    - For enterprises that producing traditional bricks can change technology but don’t need to invest in additional equipment as may utilize existing equipment.
    - Production don’t have stage of firing, energy saving, non-polluting environment.
    Mode of transfer
    Unbaked brick production technology from clay Unbaked brick Unbaked brick production technology Method of extrusion Building material production
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