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Technology/Equipment Offers
Danh mục: Sản phẩm mới
Hiển thị: 10 | 20 | 40 Products/Pages
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Code: 333
Automatic Alarm Controller PRC-03
Code: 211213
Technology for insulated panels production
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Code: 333
Fault Detection Equipment for PVC Jacket of Electrical Wire
Code: 158913
The Process of using Lecanicillium Lecanii L439 biological product in preventing Aphis maydis Fitch (Rhopalosiphum maydis)
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Code: 333
Automatic Telephone Cable Quality Control System
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Code: 244221
The technological process in producing dengue vaccine decreasing poisonous capacity in laboratory
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Code: 33204
Level Measuring Device in Gasoline Tanker
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Code: 2921
Completing and Manufacturing domestic waste incinerator having capacity of 6 tons/hr with heat recovery function.
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Code: 332065
Electroencephalogram (EEG) Machine BRAINSCOPEII
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Code: 171051
Test production of fiber cement composite materials replacing natural wood based on mini paper machine Hatschek
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Code: 332065
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) Machine VASDOP-V1
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Code: 2912
BASTAF Model + The Bank filtration plant
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Code: 32103
Printed Circuit Board
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Code: 011
Technology of planting, multiplicating the valuable and rare red dragon fruit trees, exerting good effectiveness as well as beautiful ecological landscape in high hills or terraces and balconies by the symplest solution.
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Code: 0011/73101
The intensive cultivation process with the application of Biofloc technology in commercial tilapia feed.
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Code: 331011
Multipurpose industrial irradiation machine with Cobalt-60 source - VINAGA 1
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Code: 40101
Energy management system based on wireless sensor networks
Code: 331
System of equipments providing high-level medical pure water for the artificial kidney machines
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