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The 2nd Vietnam International Conference on Electricity 1:34 PM,5/31/2012

For the past 20 years, electricity sector has made important contributions to the economic development of the country. It has been forecasted that, from now to 2020, Vietnam's economy shall continue to grow rapidly with the population reaching 100 million people. To meet the demand for electricity during that time, the Electricity industry of Vietnam shall have to grow with the rate of over 12% per year. With plentiful resources of fossil energy, natural energy and water resources, Vietnam remains a top investment and business attraction in Asia to domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of power, including thermal, hydro, wind, nuclear and tidal power...

In order to deal with energy security issues which are becoming increasingly urgent, Vietnam has launched many power projects to improve the electricity sources for the power grid in the future as well as proposed new ideas to liberalize the power sector with independent power plants. In the next ten years, Vietnam aims to build 95 power plants with the total capacity of 49,044 MW and the total investment of 39.58 billion dollars, opening a new phase of foreign investment in the construction of infrastructure in Vietnam.

The 2nd Vietnam International Conference on Electricity is the largest international conference on power sector in Vietnam, a prestigious international event where specialists, policy makers, leading experts on power production, transmission and distribution gather and find the direction of investment and development for power sector of Vietnam in the future.

The main theme of the conference is to ensure opportunity and success in developing, funding, investing in power projects in Vietnam; besides, there is a variety of topics discussing about specific issues such as: policies and regulations on attracting FDI in power sector; structure of independent power plants in Vietnam which can be accepted by banks; the best applications in structuring power agreements in Vietnam ; risk reduction in the development and implementation of projects; notes when investing in the fields of electricity, clean fuels and renewable energy in Vietnam... The conference is a large festival for those interested in the development, investment, consultancy, trading and consumption in power industry in the second decade of the 21st century in Vietnam.

Under the power sector’s development plan, EVN Electricity Group is moving towards privatization of power plants, listing shares on the stock market to call for investment in power sector. There are already many foreign investors who are investing in power plants in Vietnam. It is expected that those projects will contribute about 10% of current electricity demand to the national grid to reduce the power shortage in the future.
Source: VNEEP

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