2:57 CH,24/12/2014

Inventors: Mr.Tran Chi

Address:  Invenco 29 Truong Han Sieu Street P.O. Box 412 Hanoi (VN)

Summary of the invention

A dissipating wind surface is provided. The dissipating wind surface comprises a ring frame (1), attached to the ring frame there are provided curved spokes (2) inclined in the same direction in horizontal row and are symetrical to each other across the horizontal axis of the dissipating wind surface (1).

Field of the utility solution

The utility solution relates to a mounting structure for the dissipating wind surface in box electric fans, more particularly to the balanced mounting structure in operation.

Background of the utility solution

Nowadays, commercial electric fans of box-type are prevailing due to various shapes, compactness. Compared with other types of fans, this type of fans proves to be limited in swinging to the left and to the right in order to direct winds around. Normally, a dissipating wind surface is mounted to the front of the main wind blades to dissipate wind around. The dissipating wind surface receives wind from the main wind blades and dissipates the wind around. Many types of dissipating wind surfaces are developed on the market, for example, dissipating wind surfaces with transverse spokes, wave spokes, and concentric spokes. Generally, these types of spokes are disposed asymetrically on the same dissipating wind surface. Hence, in operation, wind from the main wind blades affects on the asymetrical spokes, by which the dissipating wind surface revolves and swings at the same time. This drawback is the main cause leading to the fact that dissipating wind surfaces with such spokes are only for desk fans of box type rather than pedestrial fans.


There is provided dissipating wind surfaces for electric box fans of box type, which operates in balance and overcomes the drawbacks mentioned above. To achieve this purpose, the mounting structure for the dissipating wind surface

according to the utility solution comprises a ring frame, curved spokes inclined in the same direction in horizontal row and are symetrical to each other across the horizontal axis of the dissipating wind surface.

Information related to:

Pub. No:







International Application No: PCT/VN2011/000008

Publication Date:




International Filing:  02.11.2011


Source: National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (NOIP).

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