Vegetable garden, fish”pond” on terrace in the middle of the Capital
4:17 CH,15/12/2015

With only 16m2 terrace, for 3 years until now she doesn’t need to buy vegetable in the market. Mrs.Suong’s vegetable garden combined with fishpond system is a modern system and 100% automation. The fish”pond” is a water tank that can contain a half of a stere. Water from the pond along with fish fertilizer will be pumped directly into the vegetable trays. The trays use burned clay to grow the vegetable; and the clay is also a water filter which cleans the water up to pump back to the tank. Each day she pumps about 12-14 hours to filter the water from the fish“pond” to water the vegetable. After several weeks experiment with this model, Mrs. Suong sees that the vegetable and the fish is proportionality develop. Fish fertilizer that is pumped along with water will be the nutritive substance for the vegetable to grow. The vegetable don’t need any kind of other manure but can still grow healthy, while the fist, at first was feed with mash, after sometime, was switched into rice and vegetable so they also grow fast.

NASATI (According to, 19/11/2015)

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