Welding machine by water
3:31 CH,18/12/2015

Description of technology t: The structure of welding machines using water consisting of 6 parts :  electrolyser, water tanks, aeration average, DC (24V-45A)source, pressure ro- le, explosion-proof system. This machine is designed safely by closed process. From electrolyser water, oxygen and hydrogen are obtained simultaneously detached explosive should be equipped with air-getters safety system, leads  2 materials through water to cooldown. Welding machine uses water can create the high temperature of 2,000 degrees Celsius to welding iron, copper, aluminum, zinc, stainless steel up to 1cm thick. Medium machine can be used in construction, manufacturing and repair, but you can solder the small parts requiring high accuracy without the need for extra air tank.

NASATI (According vnexpress.net, 11/10/2015)

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