Air-conditioned pig’s farm
3:32 CH,18/12/2015

Description of technology: The farm’s equipment such as cooling systems, electrical cabinets, electric fans, ceiling , tarpaulin bearing ... are bought from overseas. Waste water treatment system of the farm includes 6 septic tanks, waste will go through each tunnel to treat, so no pollution. The inventor has invested 1.3 billion to build this farm, the cost of this farm is 2.5 times higher than normal pig farm due to the price of air conditioning system. Living in this farm, the pigs are well taken care (always in the proper temperature 25-30 degrees, regardless of how the outside temperature), less disease, thus higher productivity. Also, the farm environment is completely cold will eliminate environmental pollution and odor pollution "- The inventor said.


NASATI (According, 11/20/2015)

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