Test kit and method of immediately determining the level of ammonium in living and cooking water
3:36 CH,04/08/2016

Scientists from University of Science, Vietnam National University in Hanoi have recently received the exclusive patent No. 14789 for the test kit and method of immediately determining the level of ammonium in living and cooking water.

This test kit helps reduce colorific reaction time of the reagents to 5 mins (while most of commercialized tests kit are from 10 to 30 mins or even longer), and has lower toxicity, simple and easy usage (liquid reagent) but still remains storage stability within at least 6 months. This invention based on Berthelot method seeks for a suitable mixture and separates 2 steps of coloring reaction mechanism of a phenol derivate with ammonia: (1) oxidize ammonia into monochloamine at optimal pH (from 10 to 10.5) and (2) creates colorant between phenol derivate and monochloamine under catalyst of Nitroprusside at optimal pH (from 12 to 13).

This test kit includes:

- Reagent solution A: agent to create monochloamine.

- Reagent solution B: Sodium Nitroprusside catalyst.

- Reagent solution C: agent to create Indothymol- color complex compound.

- 15ml test tubes with 5ml mark.

- Standard colors in proportion to ammonia concentration in water from 0.1 to 1.0 mg/L. 

This test kit is cheap with cost price at 1,200-1,500 VND per test only, while others is at 30,000 VND per test for such as that of Hach.

For more information, please contact:Assoc. Prof., Dr. Dong Kim Loan - University of Science, Vietnam National University in Hanoi;

No.334 Nguyen Trai St., Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi;

Tel: +844.38584614; Fax: +844.38583061;

Email: hus@vnu.edu.vn

Source: http://vister.vn

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