Electronic device for sterilising breeding farm by UV light
3:37 CH,04/08/2016

Scientists from Sub-Institute for Labor and Environment Protection in Southern Vietnam (National Institute of Labour Protection) have successfully researched and manufactured an electronic device for sterilisingbreeding farm by UV light.

This device has 4 main parts:

1. Set of UV light: 2 High Power UV tubes, attached with 92 cm arm which can open at 0-180oC angle. Depending on purpose as well as actual condition, operator can choose open suitable angle for light arm.

2. Device body: vertical rectangle tube, 107 cm in length to be able to hold the whole light arm inside, which helps easy move. Another box is designed onto the device body to contain controller and LCD system to display results.

3. Controller and display: for remote controlling, setting up sterilisation time, determining environment parameters at sterilisation place to comment or give any notes during sterilisation process.

4. Wheel: 4 wheels with lock.

Results from real application show that this device has good sterilisation effect on eliminating 80-90% of microorganism after 30 mins of sterilisation, and the density of eliminated colony and mould is about 65-80%.

For more information, please contact: Vo Thanh Nhan - Sub-Institute for Labor and Environment Protection in Southern Vietnam

124-126 Le Lai St., District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Tel: +84 8.39257032; Fax: +84 8.38393230

Source: http://vister.vn

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