USB drive "immune" to viruses
3:31 CH,10/08/2016

In order to contribute to improving the safety and security of digital information, scientists from the Institute for Military Science and Technology (Ministry of National Defence) have successfully studied and manufactured the USB drive with information security (VS-key locking). This is a specialized device for storing, backing up data safely between computers, particularly between computers with internet connection and personal computers.

Regarding the structure, the device is divided into three partitions: Partition 1 is structured into virtual CDROM which contains dedicated management software; Partition 2 contains a secure password; Partition 3 is formatted safely.

The device has a shape similar to conventional drives, but it has many special features, including: be non-infected with viruses, spyware, worms, Trojans... when used to back up data; able to prevent spyware programs from unauthorized access to steal information; automatically encrypt data copied from computers to the USB; automatically decrypt data transferred from the USB to other computers. The data encryption and decryption is conducted by using AES 256 encryption algorithm; user password is encrypted according to the security algorithm SHA-2, if the user enters the wrong password 10 times, the device will be locked. With software interface in Vietnamese, allowing running virtual CDROM, and no need to install drivers, the use of the device is very easy and convenient.

For more information, please contact: Institute for Military Science and Technology

No.17 Hoang Sam, Nghia Do, Cau Giay, Hanoi; Tel: +8469.516032


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