Student made rescue equipment for fisher men
11:09 SA,12/08/2016

Rescue  equipment to search victim at sea has made by four students from  Information Technology University (VNU-HCM) won first prize in the final competition of Technical Creativity Monoko 2016.

This equipment can be attached to the man’s wrist to identify victim on the sea. It excellently passed over 60 nationwide patents to win first prize in the final contest of Technical Creativity Monoko 2016 that be held in Danang Polytechnic University on 21st May.  Nguyen Phu Cuong -  a member of the group said it was the compact and handy device used for the man who are offshore fishing. The equipment has applied communication technology named Lora, it is capable of sending signal connectted  to the functional station in the mainland, islands or fishery boat. Fishermen may send an emergency signal to the functional stations accompany  with their  defined  positions when have accident, thereby helps rescue force timely searching the missing fishers.

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