Robots for scavenging and sanitation of environment
10:54 SA,05/12/2013

Inventors: Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Son and Mrs. Le Minh Quyen

 Address: Hanoi

 Description of technologies and equipment:

Robots for scavenging and sanitation of environment sanitation has fairly simple structure consisting of: The chassis and wheels, motors, controllers, some electronic circuits and parts of singing rubbish.

- The frame is made ​​of six aluminum bars. Moving mechanism that is similar to a tanks used caterpillars can help it not to move but still can turn the head of tank turns without affecting the people involved in road traffic.
- Parts of collecting garbage, including the brushes are made ​​from fishing lines tied up 1 plastic tube, plastic tube is attached to one spinning motor. Spouts of parts of collecting garbage are made of plastic and trash part 1 is made of aluminum pieces. The remaining garbage tank is made of stainless steel.

- Especially the remote controller is composed of two main parts are plastic frames, electronic circuit boards and batteries.
- With simple structure and these practical applications, robots for scavenging and sanitation of environment has won excellent award – third award, excess of 500 subjects that taking part in the 7th nation-wide contests on creativeness for teenagers and children of Hanoi city in 2011.

- Areas of application: Environment
Sources: NASATI (According to,)


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