Technology Solutions Reinforcing the TOP BASE
4:05 CH,18/02/2014

Deviser:  Mr. Do Duc Thang

Topic: New technology solutions to help increase efficiency in foundation construction of buildings

In Viet Nam now, although using the concrete pile to reinforce foundation is being applied almost constructions, it costs the earth.      

 The weak geology in the major urban of Viet Nam makes the pile reinforcing become necessary, the expenses also contributes to increase the construction cost. Moreover, the pile construction is usually wasted lost of time consuming, labor intensive and equipment

 Therefore, we need to have new technology solutions to increase efficiency in the foundation construction in order to save up the costs as well as improve the life of the construction.

 Currently, the reinforced soft ground solution by Top – Base technology in construction is a new trend which has been widely applied around the world because it has many outweighs features than the other traditional construction methods.

    To solve the problem radically in applying the Top-Base in high-rise buildings, the inventor author Do Duc Thang and colleagues of JSC Technology Solutions Vietnam International Construction have developed Top -Base  foundation solution which combined with concrete pile with the aim to minimize the use of piles in projects. He and official team at the company have researched and successfully applied element sag bearing on top of pile with the purpose to help bed-plate foundation system and pile system load at the same time .The measurement results show the Top technology solutions which allow to reduce the foundation size only 1/10 to 1/2 (or more) and increase the bearing capacity of the ground from 50% to 200% (or more) rather than soil foundation isn’t reinforced.
 With special structural geometry, Top-Base has a high load capacity, this is the  reinforcement solution to make soil foundation beome better, have the double strength, be half compared with intial. So ground base have bigger loads and don’t need to use pile or use a few piles.

Top-Base is made of materials such as plastic, the poor concrete pile, and the less steel so price is lower, construction time is as fast one half as pile plan. To construction work in the weaker position, the top-soil Base bring into play well because of the high pile cost, investors often choose new solutions to reduce costs.

In particular, the improvement of this invention can make Top-Base in construction site which save plastic funnel expenses (higher costs), transportation costs and be more active in the progress-rate of issue.

In addition, though the thickness of stone drop 25cm, Top-Base still maintains the standard and also saves the material costs.

Sources: NASATI (According to,)


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