Drying air intake filter Ozone Technology Solutions
4:07 CH,18/02/2014

Deviser:  Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ban

Topic: New technology solutions help to improve the effective action of water and air processing equipment  and environmental protection

 Water sources and air, which are the cause leading the most diseases to humans and animals are being polluted, and also affected the large number of industries that rely heavily on the quality of water resources.

 To solve the water pollution problem, odor and disease prevention as well as protection human’s health, we need new technology solutions, new inventions in order to help to improve effective action of water and air processing equipment.

Air-dring loaded filter equipment provides clean and dry air by retaining the beneficial components and removing the harmful  components for the creating ozone  processing , ozone quality, durability of Ozone chamber.

To make ozone cleaner, higher durability of the machine, more affordable price, the new  ozone generation machine (A-Ozone) of CLEAN JSC are used ozone making method by cold  plasma in a chamber by modern porcelain structures called gas discharge supersonic vibration chamber (patented patent the right to protection of 20 years VN1 5122) and has been upgraded from 3/2007.

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