Treatment of straw in rice-field patent
4:11 CH,18/02/2014

Deviser:  Mr. Le Van Tri

To some products such as straw, rice husk or rice stubble, they are easy to be a rot which become a source of methane increasing emissions into the atmosphere, is one of the significant sources of pollution causing the greenhouse effect, increasing  the temperature of the earth , global climate change.

 Meanwhile, according to a number of scientists, if taking advantage the straw, they can be considered a form of natural resources. Therefore, they need new technology solutions to dispose the straw which will help farmers with the additional source of microbial fertilizer fruitful field.

 By Fito-biomix RR preparation (200g/sao) along with  handling H2S preparations (200 ml/sao), farmers have mixed with 10 kg topsoil and sprinkled the preparation to handle the stubble on the rice-field. Then we plow rice-field and drained reach 7-10 cm and normal plowing rice

 Using these two products will supply the microbial strains of resolutions organic which have a quick ability to disintegrate the straw, stubble after the harvest to microbial organic fertilizer of rich nutrients for agricultural production. Microbial organic fertilizers are safe products for humans and animals.

 This technology has been used agricultural products in an efficient manner, producing annually thousands of tones of organic fertilizer to replace other sources of fertilizer, contributing to cleaner production in agriculture, the countryside, and corrective and abolishing it entirely on the state of burning straw province in particular and the country in general

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