Australian company launched a campaign to raise awareness of energy saving
3:49 CH,07/08/2014

The Australian government recently announced that it would abolish the carbon tax, taxes on carbon generated in the combustion of fossil fuels. There are mixed opinions about the abolition of this tax. While many people support the abolition of the tax, many people believe that there should be a rule to tighten the use of energy saving, as well as limiting greenhouse gas emissions in this country.
According to the energy company Knauf, there are many ways people can save energy instead of applying the carbon tax. A company's statistics show that every year takes about 500 million Australian dollars for energy lost through the floor, ceiling and wall cracks during the heating and air-cooled . It is noteworthy that many households do not even know you are wasting energy and money.
To overcome this, Knauf energy company is building a project to raise awareness of the Australian people about the benefits of home insulation. The company has cooperated with local authorities to conduct reinforced insulation system for the house in the town of Birdsville, Queensland. The campaign calls for the participation of businesses, hotels in area towns.
After the project is deployed, these households could save up to 20% energy bills. Recently, the town of Birdsville also won first prize in the competition to save energy town. 

Source: VNEEP

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