Understand and use solar hot water properly
3:02 CH,20/08/2014

For many households, water heater solar energy is considered as one of the essential equipment. It not only provides hot water for daily life for the whole family, but also help save energy, using solar energy available.
Brings many benefits such as, but not always household devices used properly to maximize efficiency. Want to good use, first need to understand the structure and operating mechanism of a solar hot water.
Water heater solar energy is 2 parts per 3 class and pipe insulation vacuum heat absorption. Tank is made of durable stainless steel, insulated and heat resistant up to 160oC.
Vacuum tube heat absorption surface is coated metal membrane helps to absorb heat and transfer that heat to water.
The system works on the principle of convection forms known as "solar energy transforms into heat energy" and trap heat. Solar energy absorbed at the surface of the device will be hot water heater, convection due process, inadequate water insulation will increase, this process takes place continuously until the average temperature in the heat level of water in absorbing device.
The creation of hot water depending on the temperature of the external environment that depends on the ability of the device to absorb heat energy radiation with sunshine.
Machine operation is not dependent on the seasons that depends on the weather. Just have the sun is hot water in the machine. Many people do not understand the principle of operation of the product have misconceptions and said: "Water Heater Solar only other summer activities winter has no effect or very bad".
Using a solar hot water efficiency
To use solar hot water a most effective way, users should note the following points are:
Choose products with suitable capacity with demand: the number of people, number of rooms, number of floors and the required temperature in a day.
Install water heater and hot water pipes going down, cold water pressure proper technique and science.
Need more equipped to actively support equipment to prevent the gloomy days of bad weather, drizzling rain lasts.
Source: VNEEP

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