Organic vegetables planting and fish farming system
9:43 SA,09/09/2014

- The Inventor: Mr. Luong Ngoc Du

- Address: Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City

- Description of technologies and equipment:

 Mr Du’s combined system includes: planting troughs, air aeration, aquarium, power etc According to him, this is really advanced technologies in the agricultural sector worldwide. Because it produces super-capacity, ultra-clean and efficient.

 According to calculations, if we invests seriously in technology we can have the "factory fresh food" with 500 tons / ha aquaculture products,  the revenue of 10 billion VND / ha / year is feasible. (Compared to the cultivation of farmers today is 25-35 tons / ha, 100-200 million VND revenue / year).

 In addition, with this model anyone can become real "farmers" within his house. The required space is approximately the size of 2m2 , it is enough vegetables, fish for 4 people with investment cost is about 15 million / set. Every day, we just need to spend 1 minute feeding in the morning and afternoon, everything else the system will operate themselve. It is consistent with the trend of urban farming.

 In particular, this model farming will practice 5 No: No soil using, no chemical fertilizers, no growth stimulants, no plant protection product, no waste water generated. So 100% organic vegetables, very clean living can eat in the garden picking, Mr Du said. Currently, he is a finishing the file of intellectual property rights for this system of farming. 

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