Smart garbage container
11:06 SA,09/09/2014

- Inventor: Mr. Nguyễn Thanh Long

- Adress: Hochiminh City

- Description of technology and equipment :        

 This is an invention by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Long from Ho Chi Minh City. It is called smart garbage container because he designed one part using solar energy, creating ozone to deodorize the garbage. This will be the solution that housewives definitely would love for your family because the kitchen will not smell the garbage again.          

His inventions has joined The Inventor Program and have received a lot of compliments about the feasibility of the product. The Nguyen Thanh Nam jury fully agreed with the idea of the invention is putting the bin into the underground, neither aesthetic nor encroaching urban space. He said that Ho Chi Minh City can fully consider this solution if it solves some problems of flowing tide, and about its safety 

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