Create solar cells using carbon nanotubes have higher energy efficiency than 2 times
4:02 CH,12/09/2014

A research team led by Professor Mark Hersam from the McCormick School of Engineering, American has created a solar cell using a new carbon nanotube. These cells have the energy efficiency of the battery 2 times before. The effectiveness of this new battery type has been confirmed in the laboratory of the National Renewable Energy.

For more than a decade, scientists have sought to improve the energy efficiency of solar cells using carbon nanotubes to 1%, but no success. However, a new type of solar cell can boost the energy efficiency of 3%. This is considered a significant leap.

The secret of the new battery is in place, the carbon nanotubes are combined with each other, rather than symmetrical as before. Each carbon nanotubes absorb only a certain number of wavelengths from sunlight. Therefore, the combination of carbon nanotubes will increase the efficiency of light absorption up many times.

However, Professor Mark Hersam said, although the efficiency of solar cells using carbon tubes Nanno was significantly elevated, but its energy performance still lags far behind silicon solar cells.

In the future, the team will continue to develop in order to improve the efficiency of solar batteries is up 3-5 times than the present.

Source: VNEEP

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